Hello, Morris! Finally got a chance to see him, and I hope he stays for many more. A fisherman offered to take us to him on his boat to photograph him, however another group was doing the same but being very unethical and trying to spook him to fly :( We left before that other group and by the time we were around the wave barrier, he was gone. He was back today (8/24) despite that interaction, and it is just incredibly frustrating the amount of unethical photographers there are out there. While yes, they were excited that he was there, but it's pretty selfish to scare Morris away just for a picture. The fisherman who took us out was amazing, very observant to not disturb the birds and have us keep our distance. Meanwhile the other boat..... waving their paddle around and screaming to get him to move. If you ever want to get a closer look at Morris, there are plenty of fishermen who could take you to the barrier, however please do not treat him like the group mentioned here! Be respectful to our birds, being 'excited' isn't an excuse to startle them for photos, thanks :)
All my photos of him "flying" were when he jumped to a different rock or stretched, my boat was quiet unless we drifted too close to the barrier and needed to move.