Tipula (Lunatipula) triplex Walker, 1848. Refer to Alexander Figure 32 J & K, p. 288. Also: https://www.discoverlife.org/20/q?search=Tipula+triplex
Female: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/224380390
Wing length 20 mm. At UV light.
Retrieved photo from BugGuide. I had lost photos in the past when a computer crashed before having saved them externally.
From Fly Guide-
T. margarita
Antennae: Uniformly dark
Head: Grey-brown
Scutum: Grey-brown
legs: Femora orange-brown, with subapical dark band and apically dark, tibiae+tarsi dark
Wings: Mottled from hyaline to brown to dark brown, mostly infuscated
Abdomen: Mostly orange, but laterally greyish, and median strong black stripe
The appearance of the abdomen can be used to determine the sex of the crane fly. Females have pointy abdomens, while those of males are blunt.I am surmising this is a female, based on the shape of its abdomen.