These were moving very slowly over rocks at the high tide mark... I thought they were chiton but they were squishy...
dos gasterópodos pulmonados, en el intermareal, de unos 50mm de longitud cada uno
**This is NOT a limpet - it is soft - a Marine Pulmonate. If I have ID'd correctly, it is an opisthobranch, order Notospidea. They are very common in Angeles Bay and noted by Ricketts and Steinbeck in 'Sea of Cortez'.
These were moving very slowly over rocks at the high tide mark... I thought they were chiton but they were squishy...
These insanely cool and bizarre Pulmonates swarmed the upper intertidal rocks at dusk. They were speedy as heck---if only iNat supported video. Any help on species at this location?
Attached to bottom of rock in tide pool.
varios ejemplares adultos y juveniles de Chiton articulatus
dos gasterópodos pulmonados, en el intermareal, de unos 50mm de longitud cada uno
Actualmente en México, el Dr. Omar Hernando Avila Poveda @omaravila está liderando un proyecto que busca caracterizar las poblaciones de esta especie (Chiton articulatus) en toda su area de distribución para proponer estrategias y medidas de manejo pesquero.
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