I first noticed the long slide track where it had slid about 6 metres down the valley slope toward the creek. I then notices tracks where one or two otters had run across the creek bank and down to the water. Unfortunately the tracks were about a day old, so not sharp. Nonetheless i could see the track was a bounding pattern with feet landing together, and prints were larger than a mink track. I thought bounds were mostly about 2 feet but saw one which was about a metre in length.
Other photos show the bound at the start of the long slide, a short slide leading onto the ice (There was open water just beyond the area shown in the photo, a bound track with my binoculars for a size comparison (They are 6 inches in length).
Scat - clearly very shellfish/fish heavy in contents, deposited on a small boulder along the shoreline
Clumped scat with shell fragments present on elevated rock surface near body of water.
Fairly old signs of beavers. This tree was completely girdled.
Quaintance Road
Tree seen as evidence