One of several Chiloscyphus species with teeth on outer leaf margin (images 6 & 7 show detail). This species also has a distinctive odour. The under leaves are widely bi-lobed with an additional tooth per lobe (image 5). They also connected to the main leaves on both sides which can also be seen on image 5 while the dissection process means only one side connection remains on images 8 & 9. You can also see this connection on the right side of image 10. Image 11 shows detail of the under leaf teeth and you can see the small trigones between the cells of the main leaf in the final image.
Liverwort or Moss. Possibly Schistochila lehmanniana or Cyathophorum bulbosum. Two Creeks track, Lindfield.
N.C.W. Beadle Herbarium, UNE: UNE-AH 1351
A medium bright green moss. Many thin, tapered, serrated leaves coming off 10-15mm branches. Forming a thick mat with regular double sporophytes. Found on bark of decaying hardwood log that was laying on dense leaf litter.
Found growing in the Northern Tablelands near Mt Hyland homestead along a fire trail about 5m
into the forest at 962M altitude. This moss was growing on an old, very large wooden slab in a tall, closed wet forest with Ceratopetalum apetalum as the dominant tree species. Mainly Camptochaete excavata growing on the wooden slab with some lichens.
A vine-like moss with reddish brown seta. The branches are asymmetric. The leaves are concave and almost circular with a tiny apiculus,
UNE Beadle Herbarium, BAS7
Occasional. Growing on the bark of a dead standing Ceratopetalum apetalum on the North facing side. Lime green leaves with brown rhizoides. Patches up to 50mm across. Growing in a tall closed forest.