Fotos / Sonidos


Chocha (Yucca treculiana)




Abril 8, 2017 a las 09:51 AM CDT


Spanish Dagger, Palma Pita;

Bloom Period: Spring.

Comments: "Pollination of yuccas depends on an unusual relationship with a small moth. After she is fertilized, the female moth collects pollen from one flowers and goes to another flower, where she lays her eggs on the flower's ovary and then rubs the pollen on the stigma of the same flower. The young larvae deed on the developing seeds, but there are plenty left over to produce mature seeds. In effect, the Spanish Dagger pays a fee of a few seeds in order to be pollinated. Rhinoceros beetles feed inside the roots and stems causing them to collapse. The followers are harvested and eaten as a delicacy, especially in Mexico. The tuberous roots are sold in markets in Mexico as a soap. Yuccas are also popular landscape plans. The rigid leaves of this species separate it from Y. constricta (Buckley's Yucca), which has flexible leaves."