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Mayo 13, 2022 a las 04:10 PM PDT


DSF Transect #2 On a cherry tree beneath a red cedar. One hind wing did not seem fully formed and was wrinkled by the tail though it could fly. Breezy and just 13 degC

Fotos / Sonidos




Mayo 2021


Lower Seymour Conservation Reserve, North Vancouver.

Appeared dark brown in flight, perhaps a little larger or slower flying than the regular Cedar Hairstreaks, as it was quite easy to follow. The brown colouration is richer than I was expecting for this species, but the straightness of the white line, and overall uniformness to the brown looks right for Johnson's. Documented in the literature as occurring in this area, although I am not aware of any recent sightings. A lifer for me!

Only a couple of fresh Cedar Hairstreak were flying today, and not the dozens or hundreds that are sometimes found in this area, so it looks like the Johnson's emerges at roughly the same time as the first of the Cedar's. Nectar plants were rather scarce today, with most still a week or two away from flowering.

Fotos / Sonidos


Mariposa Carey Californiana (Nymphalis californica)


Abril 5, 2020 a las 12:06 PM PDT