4th Rock Cut CBC, Count 112 12/28/11

Compiler: Ed Callaway
Year: 112 12/28/11
Weather: Low 19.0 f, High 30.0 f. Clouds: Cloudy. Rain: None. Snow: None.
Effort: Participants: 17. Hours: 32.5. Species: 54. Total individuals: 8659.
More can be read on this count from Ed Calloway's blog: https://birdfreak.com/fourth-rock-cut-christmas-bird-count-initial-report/ and https://birdfreak.com/rock-cut-state-park-christmas-bird-count-year-4-final-results/
New high for count
New for the count
cw=count week, bird species that were not found by anyone on the count, but were found in the 3 days before or after count day.
LC=Low Count, fewer birds found than in previous years.

Ross's Goose: 1**
Cackling Goose: 101*
Canada Goose: 5712
American Black Duck: 2 LC
Mallard: 260
Canvasback: 1**
Bufflehead: 2**
Common Goldeneye: 8*
Ring-necked Pheasant: 1
Wild Turkey: 26
Great Blue Heron: 1 LC
Golden Eagle: 1**
Cooper's Hawk: 1 LC
Bald Eagle: 5*
Red-tailed Hawk: 17
American Coot: 2**
Ring-billed Gull: 17
Herring Gull: 68*
Lesser Black-backed Gull: cw**
Rock Pigeon: 109
Mourning Dove: 46
Great Horned Owl: 4*
Barred Owl: 2**
Belted Kingfisher: 3*
Red-bellied Woodpecker: 35*
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker: 1 LC
Downy Woodpecker: 76*
Hairy Woodpecker: 9
Northern Flicker: 16*
Pileated Woodpecker: 1 LC
American Kestrel: 4
Northern Shrike: 2 LC
Blue Jay: 38
American Crow: 111
Black-capped Chickadee: 247*
Tufted Titmouse: 9
Red-breasted Nuthatch: 9*
White-breasted Nuthatch: 56*
Brown Creeper: 20
Ruby-crowned Kinglet: 3**
Eastern Bluebird: 13*
Hermit Thrush: 3*
American Robin: 69*
European Starling: 403
Cedar Waxwing: 346*
Yellow-rumped Warbler: 19*
American Tree Sparrow: 135*
Dark-eyed Junco: 237
Song Sparrow: 1
Northern Cardinal: 129
House Finch: 64*
Purple Finch: 1 LC
Pine Siskin: 3 LC
American Goldfinch: 58
House Sparrow: 151

Publicado el 05 de septiembre de 2021 a las 12:26 PM por neylon neylon


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