The Great Nature Project comes to a close

I am sad to share that the Great Nature Project will be discontinued next month. Our portal into iNaturalist,, will be shut down in February. This decision was made to allow our small team to focus our efforts on BioBlitz in 2016 and beyond. If you’ve ever logged in on our site, you should receive a similar announcement via email.

The good news is that your observations will still be available on The project will remain accessible here on iNaturalist, but I will no longer monitor it closely like I have for the last several months.

As we plan for what’s next in citizen science at National Geographic, we would love to get your feedback on this short survey.

For the last six months or so, I’ve worked especially hard to try to reach out to each and every new user who added observations to the Great Nature Project. I’m sorry if I didn’t reach out to you! I won’t be doing that for this project anymore, but I challenge each of you to engage with the larger iNaturalist community and encourage each other to explore biodiversity.

Publicado el 22 de enero de 2016 a las 04:52 PM por carrieseltzer carrieseltzer


Sorry to hear but great that bioblitzes are still on. Hope to see one in the Santa Monica Mountains again, I missed it and wished I moved to California sooner!

Anotado por silversea_starsong hace mas de 8 años

the SAMO one wasn't as fun as the ones they have these days, because no inaturalist existed

Anotado por charlie hace mas de 8 años

The Channel Islands one would be cool to attend. Might finally give me a chance to look at Dudleya.

Have to echo sam's sentiments below. We appreciate the time you've dedicated!

Anotado por silversea_starsong hace mas de 8 años

@carrieseltzer -- you embody what iNaturalist is all about. The way that you welcomed every new user and every new observation was inspirational. Thank you, thank you, thank you. :)

Anotado por sambiology hace mas de 8 años


Anotado por charlie hace mas de 8 años

Very sad news. Thank you very much

Anotado por jaico hace mas de 8 años

So sorry, but how wonderful about the BioBlitz. I was involved in one in Tucson years ago, along with many writers and artists, and our project eventually developed into a book, just out from the University of Arizona Press. You might check it out:

It's a literary field guide to the Sonoran Desert!

Anotado por kjlamb hace mas de 8 años

Wow @kjlamb, that book sounds amazing! Was it inspired by any other books or do you think it's carving a new literary niche?

For anyone interested in where NPS is having BioBlitzes this year, check out this:
I'm most involved in the big one here in D.C.

Thank you all for the kind words. :-)

Anotado por carrieseltzer hace mas de 8 años

Very sad news indeed.... And I totally agree with sambiology: thank you so much for everything, Carrie!!

Anotado por magazhu hace mas de 8 años

Carrie has been one of the best iNat outreach people there is! But that will continue to be the case which is good news!

Anotado por charlie hace mas de 8 años

Bummer! I've loved iNaturalist and National Geographic's Great Nature Project. Really got me to open my eyes and see what's around me when I'm outdoors cycling, hiking, etc. Thanks for everything!

Anotado por thedude hace mas de 8 años

@thedude, iNaturalist is totally unaffected so you'll still be able to add observations here :-) Just want to be sure that's clear! I know you've been a regular contributor so I don't want you to stop!

Anotado por carrieseltzer hace mas de 8 años

Here's the inspiration to The Sonoran Desert: A Literary Field Guide (It was all Nat. Geo's BioBlitz in 2011 at Tucson:

Anotado por kjlamb hace mas de 8 años

it was an honour for me to get featured in your project ( fishing cat) thanks so much

Anotado por indianwildlife hace cerca de 8 años

While I will be watching for your future input in iNat observations, I hope that the end of the National Geographic Great Nature Project is because your goals were attained and the next step forward and onward will begin. As @charlie said, you have been one of the best iNat outreach people

Anotado por connlindajo hace casi 8 años

My dashboard is showing this up too... Ah well -- @carrieseltzer totally rocked the Nat Geo Bioblitzes! :)

Anotado por sambiology hace casi 8 años

What happened.... I did not look at dates... Duh...

Anotado por connlindajo hace casi 8 años

Shoot! I made a small edit to the post yesterday and didn't realize that would make it reappear in everyone's feed when I saved the edit. Sorry! This is old news, but I suppose it's a good second-pass for anyone who missed it the first time. :-)

Anotado por carrieseltzer hace casi 8 años

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