Biodiversity in my town

Today I focused on the biodiversity of my town. My mom drove me around town and we visited the town park and there were so many plants and flowers that I was nearly overwhelmed. There are maples, star magnolias, oaks, honeysuckle, hemlock, pine and dogwoods. There are all sorts of brambles such as roses, spindles ( i believe) and blackberries. There are violets, azure bluets and ground ivy, and wild strawberries blooming and canada mayflowers coming up. Sumac was also growing and there was a gray catbird eating it. There were even more birds, singing and flying in foraging flocks such as american goldfinches, pine warblers, yellow-rumped warblers, a least flycatcher, eastern phoebes, chickadees, tufted titmice, rose-breasted grosbeak, downy woodpecker,blue-headed vireo, warbling vireo, blue jay, american crow, white breasted nutach, american robin, northern mockingbird, black and white warbler, brown creeper, song sparrow, white throated sparrow, red winged blackbird, northern cardinal, european starling, house sparrows and a ovenbird. For mushrooms most of them were artists bracket.I did not see many mammals but I did see eastern chipmunks, gray squirrels and red squirrels. I think I may have focused more if my head wasn't facing the sky but bird watching is a big passion of mine. I need to spend more time working on focusing on other things which will take a lot of effort but I'm getting better. It still amazes me how much biological diversity there can be in one small area so imagine how much diversity there is in a big one! It's absolutely fantastic!! I can not wait to explore more.

Publicado el 12 de mayo de 2020 a las 11:43 PM por jobird jobird


what a rich experience you describe!

Anotado por maryjb hace mas de 4 años

Wow! What a wonderful variety of birds.

Anotado por janezupan hace mas de 4 años

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