Mylabris quadripunctata

Today I introduce you to a friend I am lucky to have in my garden: Mylabris quadripunctata
We call them 'escarabajo de 4 puntos', or "4 pointed beetle".
This beetle's diet consists mainly of polen when adult, but when in larval state likes to eat eggs and larvae of grasshoppers, those bulimic enemies!
So, I hope you have some of these in your garden too!

This year the grasshoppers are just too many, especially in Asia where they are leading to famine.

Publicado el 14 de agosto de 2020 a las 12:51 PM por castieler castieler


Neat! It resembles a ladybug in its coloration.

Anotado por botanicaltreasures hace cerca de 4 años

Yes, like a bigger-more squared ladybug

Anotado por castieler hace cerca de 4 años


Anotado por botanicaltreasures hace cerca de 4 años

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