Stay Hydrated (and go find some pollinators!)

Good afternoon everyone! It is thick out there today but it looks like the rain will hold off a bit longer - I hope you're all remembering to stay hydrated and take a break in the shade as needed. You could even take some pictures while having a float at the edge of a lake ;) Besides the BioBlitz this weekend, I wanted to bring this project to your attention ( because today is the last day of Pollinator Week on iNaturalist. Cheshire county is currently in 5th place for New Hampshire but maybe we can bump that up a little bit! You don't have to join or do anything other than what you're already doing but any and all pollinators that you upload to iNat will automatically "bee" counted (did you see what I did there?) as they are uploaded. Pretty cool, right?

I hope everyone is having a great day out there in the sunshine and finding lots of interesting stuff. If you've never seen rose pogonia before, or you'd like to see a lot more of them, make sure to head out to the old ski area ( and head up the right side of the first meadow - you're in for a treat!

Happy adventuring!

Jaime M. for Moosewood Ecological

p.s. I meant to do this earlier but I want to give a special shout out to @bvanney and @silverman5wings for braving the pouring rain yesterday and to @twelvespottedskimmer for joining us all the way from New York state!

Publicado el 25 de junio de 2023 a las 03:54 PM por jmcguigan jmcguigan


That should have given a clickable link but here you go :)

Pollinator project:

Anotado por jmcguigan hace más de un año

The ski hill meadow is amazing! I was so thrilled to have you point out the different species and its varied ecology. I would have missed a lot without your expert guidance. Thank you.

Anotado por bvanney hace más de un año

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