The Importance of Monitoring Data Quality (And Controlling What 'Gets' in a Project)

Little update... One of the projects in our collection was a collaborative project. This project is open, and so it's much harder to control quality. As I suspected it would happen, some of the observers are not following the rules (and in this case about copyright ©️). So, as long as the project remains open to all, I am removing it from our umbrella project to keep 'data quality' as clean as possible. Then, we're back to 'below 20,000 observations'... But at the pace that we observe and record, it won't take much to get back there 🙃

Cheers, - Claire

Publicado el 31 de agosto de 2019 a las 07:23 PM por akilee akilee


There we go! A day after and we pass again the 20,000 observations mark, but this time in a controlled manner! Thanks to our dedicated iNat EwAnauts! ツ

Anotado por akilee hace casi 5 años

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