We are wrapping up the #Anacostiabioblitz

The Anacostia River Virtual Bioblitz is coming to an end but you still have time to add your observations and to help ID species from your phone/PC. Until midnight! So far we've got:

-1293 observations.
-391 species identified.
-84 people have participated submitting observations.
-65 members have joined the "Anacostia River Virtual Bioblitz" project.

I'd call that a success considering this is our first bioblitz!

Keep on bioblitzing!


Publicado el 24 de septiembre de 2017 a las 09:11 PM por anacostiabiota anacostiabiota


@carrieseltzer @muir @anacostiabiota, @kueda When I try to add my Sept. 24th observations (From Batch Edit) I get the following error:

"None of those observations could be added to the project "Anacostia River Virtual Bioblitz": Observation must be observed before Sep. 24, 2017 12:00:00 -0400"

"Crane-Fly Orchid from 12944–12986 Baltimore Ave, Laurel, MD, US on September 24, 2017 at 04:32 PM EDT by Michael Ellis
Observation must be observed before Sep. 24, 2017 12:00:00 -0400"

Anyone know why? I thought obervations observed on the 24th were part of this Bioblitz.

Anotado por mellis hace casi 7 años

Yes, Sept 24 at 4 pm should be part of the event. Is this the same issue with the agregator @carrieseltzer?

Anotado por anacostiabiota hace casi 7 años

Yeah, I'm not sure what's up. Jorge, can you check the ending time on the bioblitz project to make sure that it ended at 11:59:59 PM on 9/24 and not an earlier time? Is your account set to the correct time zone?

Anotado por carrieseltzer hace casi 7 años

OH! It looks like the project was set to end at NOON instead of midnight: "Observation must be observed before Sep. 24, 2017 12:00:00 -0400"

Anotado por carrieseltzer hace casi 7 años

Can you fix the end time of the Bioblitz project? @anacostiabiota @jorbogmont

Anotado por mellis hace casi 7 años

@mellis I got the power! Try again. The time should be fixed.

Anotado por carrieseltzer hace casi 7 años

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