Nature at Home

A couple weekends ago I participated in a friendly competition with members of the unofficial iNaturalist Discord server to see who could find the most species only on their own property. I really enjoyed the challenge of trying to find new species while restricted to a suburban yard and I think I did pretty well! Most of the plants had not started coming up yet, and many of these species could be seen on a warm day in the middle of the winter. I'm curious how many more species I could get in the summer with the use of a moth light etc.

Thanks to many identifiers I have over 85 leaves for the weekend, so in addition to 16 bird species I heard and noted on eBird I recorded over 100 species. You can see my observations from the challenge here and the project in general here:

The highlights for me were getting:

  • At least 5 species of millipedes
  • At least 4 species of isopods
  • 4 species of slugs
  • A huge (relatively speaking) soil centipede that I'd never seen before
  • Two flatworms
  • A pseudoscorpion

Thank you to the Discord server mods for organizing this and to everyone else who participated, particularly @erininmd and @tammym4748 for keeping the competition up!

Publicado el 05 de abril de 2020 a las 08:43 PM por upupa-epops upupa-epops


Fotos / Sonidos




Marzo 2020


Fotos / Sonidos




Marzo 2020


2 individuals, very small and normal size



I support the idea of another "nature at home" challenge later in the year :D

Anotado por erininmd hace mas de 4 años

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