Hello World!

I've just started using iNaturalist.org. I'm a citizen scientist - just someone who enjoys the natural world and learning about it.

I appear to be one of a very few, if not the only, iNaturalist user in Central Ohio. So far I've added a few locations for Central Ohio: Blendon Woods Metropark, Inniswood Metro Garden, and Dawes Arboretum.

I'm trying to get others to join from Central Ohio. I've posted to the "Green Matter Bug Huggers" group on Meetup, and I've invited science teachers and science-minded friends to join through Facebook and Twitter. I will keep recruiting in the hopes that we'll build a small community here that documents the biodiversity and beauty of Central Ohio.

Publicado el 08 de mayo de 2011 a las 05:34 PM por tinotchka tinotchka


Awesome! I hope you recruit some more Buckeyes to the site. If you know of existing naturalist groups out there, you might want to introduce them to Projects, which are our way of pooling observations. You can even make them sort of competitive, like the Global Amphibian Blitz, in case you want to run a bioblitz or a Big Year or something.

Anotado por kueda hace mas de 13 años

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