Another Birding Time

In the crisp morning hours of the new year, I embarked on another exhilarating birding adventure, eager to explore the avian wonders that awaited. Having recently encountered the rare Accipiter soloensis during my last outing, I set out with a renewed sense of curiosity, determined to uncover more hidden treasures. Commencing at 5:50 am amidst the picturesque corn fields adjacent to the equestrian park SKHB IPB, my companions (@tikaindry @bi_alfani ) and I were initially captivated by the vibrant Psittacula alexandri, gracefully feasting on the scattered corn. Our quest continued to the nearby SDGs Lake IPB, where the landscape unfolded with diverse birdlife. The crowning moment came as we spotted the elusive Lanius tigrinus, marking a thrilling first-time encounter with this enchanting species. The sun had barely reached its zenith by the time our exploration concluded at 8:00 am.

Publicado el 06 de enero de 2024 a las 04:39 AM por rasyidaffandi rasyidaffandi


Fotos / Sonidos


Capuchino Pecho Escamoso (Lonchura punctulata)


Enero 6, 2024 a las 06:21 AM WIB

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Alcaudón Tigre (Lanius tigrinus)


Enero 6, 2024 a las 07:03 AM WIB

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Martín Pescador Meninting (Alcedo meninting)


Enero 6, 2024 a las 07:29 AM WIB

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Picaflores Cabecirrojo (Dicaeum trochileum)


Enero 6, 2024 a las 07:37 AM WIB

Fotos / Sonidos


Enero 2024


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