Dragonfly Society of the Americas 2017 Annual Meeting 9 - 11 June 2017

Is anyone else interested in going? Meeting will be held in Staunton VA with field trips to a sinkhole complex at the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains and sites within the George Washington National Forest. There's also a 2-day pre-meeting trip from Richmond to Staunton, and a post-meeting trip to higher ground near the WV border. I believe @pbedell is one of the organizers.

I've never been to a DSA meeting before, so I don't really know what to expect, but I'm interested in the talks and field trips before and during meeting (I'm less likely able to participate in the post-meeting field trip). I will likely have seats available in the car if people are interested in carpooling from DC area.


Publicado el 19 de enero de 2017 a las 01:50 PM por muir muir


DSA field trips are rather loosely organized. People car-pool, and many go off on their own. Others caravan to selected sites. Some will collect specimens, others just photograph or catch-and-release, most carry nets. Most DSA members are experienced and ID on their own and many are happy to help with those less familiar with Odonata, but we are thinking of offering beginner trips too.

Anotado por pbedell hace casi 8 años

Thanks for background Paul -- I would probably benefit from the beginner trips. Tagging some other DMV ode observers: @treichard @krosenthal @calopteryx @treegrow @peggyo @judygva

Anotado por muir hace casi 8 años

Matt, I'm hoping to go to on Sunday, and possibly for the post-meeting field trips. I'm going to Bugshot Delaware before that. I wish they weren't on the same weekend.

Anotado por judygva hace casi 8 años

Oh man, I didn't make the connection! That's too bad. I was not planning on attending BugShot this year, but did hope to come out and say hello to people. I guess I'll have to choose now.....

Anotado por muir hace casi 8 años

Can I share this info with the Western Odonata FB group?

Anotado por wild-by-nature-db hace casi 8 años

The meeting website is public so shouldn't be a problem I think. I first heard of it from the NE Ode listserv.

Anotado por muir hace casi 8 años

Matt, a day trip would be perfect for me, but I would want to go with calopteryx and he probably can't. It would be great to see beautiful new dragonflies (along with the usual suspects!). I can't wait to get out with my camera. Thank you for the information.

Anotado por peggyo hace casi 8 años

Please find me if you go @peggo. Would love to hang out with calopteryx again.

Anotado por muir hace casi 8 años

Thanks, Matt! This sounds interesting, especially the field outings to areas with uncommon Calopteryx species. I'll keep it in mind and see if I can make part of it.

Anotado por calopteryx hace casi 8 años

Calopteryx and I will definitely look you up if we go.

Anotado por peggyo hace casi 8 años

Decided last night to go! First DSA meeting for me so I'm excited. I will likely leave DC on Thursday after dinner, and will have up to three spots in car, so please let me know if you would like a ride. I need to leave Staunton mid-morning on Sunday. Looking forward to the field trips on Friday and the talks on Saturday. Thanks to Paul @pbedell and Michael Moore for the info and a new beautiful meeting website https://sites.google.com/udel.edu/dsa2017/home

Sorry to miss you Judy -- I'm sad to miss seeing the bugshot crew and horseshoe crabs! Travel safe between the two events.

@peggyo @calopteryx @treegrow @ashley_bradford @krosenthal any last minute interest in joining?

Anotado por muir hace mas de 7 años

Also, Art Evans will be running light sheets Saturday evening out at Maple Flats. You won't want to miss all the good stuff there.

Anotado por pbedell hace mas de 7 años

Thanks for the ping! I won't be able to make it, but have fun!

Anotado por ashley_bradford hace mas de 7 años

Sounds like a lot of fun! But I'm just getting back from a business trip tonight, and I think a quiet weekend with my tiny bugs in RCP will be better for my soul. Enjoy your trip!

Anotado por treegrow hace mas de 7 años

Matt, I'm not able to make it this year. I'm out of town right now and won't be back until Friday. Hopefully next year I'll be able to participate in a day trip. I'll be looking forward to seeing all of your pictures. I'll probably be going on a short dragonfly walk on Saturday at Huntley Meadows, but I know it won't compare to your trip.

Anotado por peggyo hace mas de 7 años

Peggy, I had been hoping to meet you this weekend, so I'm sorry you're not going. Hopefully I'll run into you and calopteryx some other time.

Anotado por judygva hace mas de 7 años

Judy, I'm hoping to meet you sometime, too. When I look at your posts, it seems that we're often at the same places, but always miss each other by a few hours or a day! It's inevitable that we'll run into each other. I'll be waiting to see all of your great pictures and hope that you'll have a wonderful weekend.

Anotado por peggyo hace mas de 7 años

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