
In recent months I have been doing more identifications in iNaturalist, in part as a way of giving back to the iNaturalist community. I really appreciate the many identifications of my observations by experts, particularly for taxa where I have little expertise (e.g. moths, leafminers, galls, mushrooms, etc.).

I have mostly been identifying graminoids (grasses, sledges, rushes), plants I have had a long interest in and groups that many naturalists have difficulty identifying. I often don't provide a rationale for my identifications but feel free to tag me if you want an explanation. I make mistakes and hope to learn from them, so please question any identification you don't agree with.

Graminoids can be difficult to identify and to maximize the possibility of an accurate identification, post multiple photos, close-ups of inflorescence, seeds, leaves, and stems as well as more distant photos of the whole plant and it's habitat. Good focus can be critical. Photographing the inflorescence and/or seeds in your hand will often allow the camera to focus more sharply. Graminoids in vegetative or immature condition can often be impossible to identify so try to select plants in reproductive condition and with mature seeds.

Publicado el 18 de julio de 2023 a las 06:36 PM por michael_oldham michael_oldham


Thank you so much! I have appreciated your help identifying my finds!

Anotado por shaelaghkirkey hace cerca de un año

I really appreciate all your assistance, especially with the sedges and rushes on my property (and beyond!). I really have a tough time with them, as does iNaturalist. With 96 species of sedge in Halton County, I often feel out of my depth.

Anotado por seandjames hace cerca de un año

Thanks for the photography tips!

Anotado por greatblueheron hace cerca de un año

Thank you Michael. I have greatly appreciated your sight!

Anotado por derekstephenholli... hace cerca de un año

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