adapted from N. Robson 2010
Studies in the genus Hypericum L (Hypericaceae) 5(2). Sections 17. Hirtella to 19. Coridium.
1a Sepal margin entire ..........................................................................................................................................................3
1b Sepal margin ± gland-fringed........................................................................................................................................4
3a Leaves 25–30 mm long, narrowly elliptic, acute to obtuse; flower buds subacute
H. pseudorepens
NE Turkey (Kars)
3b Leaves 5–18 mm long, oblong-elliptic to linear or narrowly oblanceolate, subapiculate to rounded; flower buds rounded.
H. linarioides subsp. linarioides
Russia (Ciscaucasia), Transcaucasia, NW Iran, N Turkey
4a Leaves oblong-elliptic to linear, usually broadest at middle
linarioides subsp. linarioides
4b Leaves narrowly oblong to oblanceolate or linear, usually broadest above middle
H. linarioides subsp. alpestre
Ukraine (the Crimea), S-E Serbia, W Bulgaria, N Greece (Makedhonia)
Some typical alpestre
Some linarioides " sepals entire + board leaves"
Some linarioides "sepals fringed + board leaves"
Linarioides "sepal entire + narrow leaves"
note the leaves still broadest from base to middle
additional notes (N. Robson 2010)
H. linarioides 'polygonifolium' = broad-leaved tall form in Georgia
Georgian plants display a tendency for the leaves to be broadest above the middle
additional documents
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