Lower Woodcock lake, Grand Traverse Regional land conservancy

Spent May 9 & 10, 2021 at Lower Woodcock Lake exploring with my husband. On May 9th, we parked in the designated parking lot off of Burnt Mill Road, and walked the designated nature trail, about 1.1 miles. Took photos of the flora with my iphone and uploaded them when I got home. We noted a few invasive species that merit removal, such as autum olive and Japanese barberry. There was spotted knapweed around the parking lot.

On May 10th we entered the preserve on its North side, just east of the little stream that connects Upper and Lower Woodcock Lakes. We walked south east and observed the Platte River. We walked along the flood plain of the unnamed stream that leaves Lower Woodcock lake and enters the Platte River. There was a beaver dam across the small unnamed stream and we could see a beaver lodge in the distance. The flood plain was a classic white cedar swamp with ferns and other northern wetland flora.

Publicado el 10 de mayo de 2021 a las 08:05 PM por judykelly judykelly


Fotos / Sonidos


Castor Americano (Castor canadensis)




Mayo 10, 2021 a las 02:19 PM EDT


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