The not so easily-spotted, Spotted Flycatcher

Spotted flycatchers are migratory birds, spending the winter in Africa. They arrive in the UK to breed from late April to early May, building a nest out of grass, lichens and twigs, usually in a sheltered crevice. The spotted flycatcher is often the last migrant bird species to reach the UK for the summer months. They typically depart at the end of August. BTO research has shown that some head as far south as Namibia, around 7,000 km from their breeding location.

The spotted flycatcher population is in serious decline. Between 1967 and 2020, the population dropped by 92%, making it a red list species of conservation concern. While the definitive reason is unclear, there are many possible explanations for the decline. Conditions in their wintering grounds in Africa could be to blame, as could a decline in flying insects (their main food source).

I have only observed this species twice in Norfolk (and only managed to get a photo once).

Publicado el 21 de agosto de 2023 a las 09:24 AM por heliastes21 heliastes21


Fotos / Sonidos


Papamoscas Gris (Muscicapa striata)




Agosto 19, 2023 a las 04:09 PM BST


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