The Spring

I am having difficulty spending time here. I owe a lot to iSpot and it owes me something too. I enjoy posting there. The Community Spirit continues, in a diminished form, through its ongoing difficulties caused, mostly, by shortage of funds are very evident
I am not prepared yet to shift my allegiance to iNat but need, from time to time, to add stuff here to stay abreast of developments and get used to its ways.
Here, then, is a resolution -
I will post more Orkney UK Seaweeds and Leaf Miners in the very near future.

Publicado el 24 de abril de 2018 a las 08:35 AM por dejaym dejaym


I too am missing you, but keeping tabs on iSpot, and am as frustrated as hell using the site. iNat is amazing! And the tools are stupendous.

The only tool I missed from iSpot was the Projects for polygons, but yesterday iNat introduced this (you had to use places previously and could not keep a journal (= notes, press releases, blogs, statistics, updates and all you want) for places, but now you can.
Still coming to terms with the lack of reputation, but easily managed - just change your game plan and ID more than you would if you had a reputation.
Our migration is almost done. Just a few thousand photographs that did not come across to mop up. And then add observation fields and projects (for those projects easily recreated on iNat - a lot of our old projects are best simply done by filters - which iSpot does badly: I love the season filter which iSpot would never implement - too difficult: well here difficulty is merely a temporary challenge.)
And then we are here.
Then some mopping up from iSpot: the stuff after June 2017 until we officially left in October is still to be migrated. That will be more difficult because OU wont give us a data dump (I see Mike had a post in which he claims that they gave us "all we need" - clearly OU does not think we need the data we wanted, and that we agreed they would give us monthly data dumps for - unilaterally they have decided that we dont need tabs, interactions, projects, agreements and so forth: the bastards!!!

(on iNat data for any filter can be downloaded anytime, with the choice of fields that one requires: no need for any special monthly data dumps)

Of course, the iSpot data is becoming useless: over 15000 identifications has already been added to the iSpot data since it migrated (which started 12 days ago), partly because getting to inadequately identified observations is so much easier on iNat, and the ID tools allow easy reviews of groups. So the iSpot data are becoming an embarrassment: I wonder how long people will endure it (I wonder if anyone is going back and copying across any corrections from iNat? - i doubt it).

Like on iSpot though we tend to work in silos. So we hardly look at the European data: we are our own community (and we can choose between Africa, southern Africa or South Africa (a few have restricted their views to provinces and even towns). So please tell us when you have posted stuff, otherwise I wont know.

Anotado por tonyrebelo hace mas de 6 años

Hi Derek, You know you would be welcomed by Inat and Ispot users alike. Your breadth of knowledge and willingness to share this knowledge irrespective of the platform used, is so valuable. I will certainly connect with you and the other stalwarts of Ispot when I check in from time to time

I too owe much to the experts of Ispot, I learned so much in my first year and the Ispot community were key to building my knowledge and interest.

I look forward to more nature in the future...

Anotado por mikeq hace mas de 6 años

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