Common Green Bottle Fly

I love observing nature and learning more about plants and animals. I recently observed the Common Green Bottle Fly in the weeds near our house and learned that it is also known as a blow fly. It has a very bad affect on the sheep in the British Isles feeding directly on the skin surface of sheep. The larvae feed on flesh including dead flesh. They are used medicinally to clean open flesh wounds. They are used in forensics to help determine time of death and whether a body has been disturbed. Their life cycle is only about two to three weeks. They will complete three to four generations in our area of eastern Kentucky.

Publicado el 25 de junio de 2019 a las 03:42 PM por crannmornature crannmornature


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Mosca Verde Metálica (Lucilia sericata)


Junio 22, 2019 a las 04:23 PM EDT


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