Join me for City Nature Challenge!

Super-secret drives into the heart of watershed lands for the most exciting plants!

Friday 4/27 we're headed to Kent Pump Road for local rarities such as broomrapes, Tamalpais oak, Scouler's willow, raptors, frogs, and more Apiaceae than you can shake a carrot at!

Monday 4/30 we're off to Soulajule for tiny annuals, Baker's larkspur, and ALL the Castilleja! Is there Arabis eschscholziana out there? You'll have to come see for yourself!

RSVP to for a seat in the mystery machine (our 4WD van)...
Saturday we're also holding a public event at Lake Lagunitas, see our project page

@danabrown @dani @direbecca @elizabethb @ergunnison @ewrubel @gyrrlfalcon @icosahedron @kevinhintsa @raphaela_fb @sjacobsen @wildmarin @miscelena @lotusmorning @sjacobsen

Publicado el 19 de abril de 2018 a las 06:24 PM por boschniakia boschniakia


Working those days .

Anotado por kevinhintsa hace mas de 6 años

Thanks for the invite; sounds fun, but unfortunately I'm also working those days. Might make it out on Saturday to the Lake, though.

Anotado por miscelena hace mas de 6 años

Thanks so much for the invite! I'm booked at Sugarloaf on the 27th, Annadel on the 28th & am in school on the 30th, so can't make it this round. Do really appreciate being included though. Have fun! :)

Anotado por direbecca hace mas de 6 años

@boschniakia I wish I could have made it. Definitely count me in for next time!

Anotado por raphaela_fb hace mas de 6 años

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