Sea Hair

Chaetomorpha linum

Morphology and identification 3

Green unbranched filamentous species with very large cells. 4 – 10 cm long, upper to mid intertidal. Basal cell is several times longer than other cells of the filament and is the sole attachment location. Straight not coiled like Chaetomorpha spiralis .

Habitat and range 3

Often found in dense clusters in shallow, upper pools, freshwater flow, and sand influenced habitats from Bolinas to San Diego, CA (MAC).

Fuentes y créditos

  1. (c) intertidalecologist, todos los derechos reservados, subido por intertidalecologist
  2. (c) ampyles, todos los derechos reservados
  3. (c) intertidalecologist, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-SA)

Más información

NaturalistaCR Mapa

Common name Algae, Green Algae
Region Government Point to Mexico, San Francisco to Government Point