Sargassum palmeri

Habitat and range 2

Sargassum palmeri is found subtidally (sometimes low intertidal) from Santa Catalina Island, California to San Benito Island, Baja California (MAC). Uncommon in southern California, but common on Catalina island.

Morphology and identification 2

Sargassum palmeri is brown to dark brown in coloration, growing 45-70 cm tall from a discoid holdfast. Blades divided into flattened sections with indistinct mibrib and scattered hairs. Pneumatocysts are round and usually solitary. Blades are longer and pneumatocysts are larger than other species of Sargassum .

Fuentes y créditos

  1. (c) cppmarinebotany1, todos los derechos reservados
  2. Adaptado por intertidalecologist del trabajo de (c) cppmarinebotany1, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-SA)

Más información

Range Map

NaturalistaCR Mapa

Common name Algae, Brown Algae
Region Channel Islands South, Government Point to Mexico