Genus description (Eteocles) in:
Stål, C. 1866. Hemiptera Africana, vol 4.
Translated from Latin:
Body oval, compressed. The head is broad, as broad as the thorax, very blunt, not prominent in front of the eyes, the vertex is very short, the eyes are much wider; the frons is generally long and broad, the base truncated; with a convex clypeus, without carina. The thorax is obtusely rounded anteriorly, the base truncate. The scutellum is a little longer than the thorax. Tegmina mostly decumbent, broad, a little longer than broad, a little exceeding the apex of the abdomen, convex, irregularly reticulated, with a distinct clavus, corium half shorter, costal margin rounded, costa enlarged, widened below before the middle. No alae at all. Legs short; hind tibiae with one spine; the first joint of the hind tarsi is the shortest.
Original description (Hysteropterum globulare) in:
Walker F. 1858 - Homoptera. Descriptions of new species from various genera. In: Walker F. 1858 - Insecta saundersiana: or characters of undescribed insects in the collection of William Wilson Saunders, 1858. p. 30-56.
Testaceous. Vertex very short; front transverse, smooth, slightly convex, without elevated borders; face triangular. Thorax with two impressions on each side. Prothorax slightly arched. Mesothorax triangular. Fore wings convex, smooth, shining, nearly oval, rounded at the tips, deflected almost vertically; interior border more convex than the costa.
Description by Stål (Eteocles faecarius) in Stål, 1866
Dirty-yellowish; forehead minutely brown-dotted; the sides of the thorax furnished with some granules; the costal edge of tegmina is dirty-strawcoloured before the middle, areoles slightly margined with brown. Length 3mm.
Illustration in:
Melichar L. 1906 - Monographie der Issiden. (Homoptera). Abhandlungen der K. K. Zoologisch-botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien. Wien 3: 1-327.
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