Xosa fuscoirroratus (Stål 1853)

Original description in:
Stål, C. 1853. Nya Hemiptera från Cafferlandet - Öfversigt af Kongliga Vetenskaps-Akademiens Förhandlingar tionde årgången 10.

Type locality: Natal

Redescription in:
Stål, C. 1865. Hemiptera Africana, vol 1.
Translated from Latin:

Sordide whitish-straw-coloured, densely and distinctly black-punctured above, dots distantly scattered with brown. Less densely brownish-ferrugineous-punctured underneath, on ventral disc, and on the central line running through thorax and scutellum (tip even smooth). Antennae pale-testaceous, the middle of the third, fourth, and fifth joints brown or black. The lateral edges of the anterior thorax and the costal edge of the corium are immaculate, costal edge of corium smoothed and calloused. Scutellum near the base in the middle brown-spotted. Membrane gray-hyaline, scattered with brown; a small black spot on both sides of the anterior margin of the metasthetia. Connexivium black-spotted. Legs unspotted. The basal spine of the abdomen produced almost to the anterior coxae. The middle lobe towards the top of the head is scarcely enlarged.

Photo of type: http://www2.nrm.se/en/het_nrm/f/anubis_fuscoirroratus.html

iNat observation: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/198370297

Publicado el 04 de febrero de 2024 a las 11:50 AM por traianbertau traianbertau


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