Diagnosis: Totally red, with the legs black.
Original description in:
Boheman, C.H. 1848. Insecta Caffraria annis 1838-1845 a J. A. Wahlberg collecta. Pars I, Fascic. I, Coleoptera (Carabici, Hydrocanthari, Gyrinii et Staphylinii)
Type locality: Durban
Description in English in:
Peringuey, L. 1896. Descriptive catalogue of the Coleoptera of South Africa. The Coleoptera of South Africa. Part II. Carabidae. Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society, 7
Head very dark red, closely plicate lengthways; antennas and palpi black; prothorax broader than long by one-third, with the outer sides straight and rounded in the anterior angles, finely plicate, dark brick-red, with the outer margins lighter; elytra brick-red, not very shining, subelongate, gradually ampliated from below the humeral part to a little past three-fourths of the length where they are nearly one-fourth wider than at the base, a little convex, striate with the striae narrow, faintly punctured, and the intervals plane, broad, and each one with one series of shallow punctures; under side pale red, legs and tarsi black, teeth of claws long. Length 9 mm.; width 5 mm.
Photos of museum specimen on GBIF: https://www.gbif.org/occurrence/3031181044
iNat observation: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/150228379
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