New Project Added - Horizon Community Church

I got an exciting message from a member of Horizon Community Church the other day. The church sits on 70 acres of Little Miami River corridor. Riparian corridors, especially those that run North to South like this one, are especially important to migrating birds. I don't have all of the details yet but there is talk of invasive removals, replacing lawn with prairie, and native plantings.

I think of the umbrella as hosting backyard projects, but it'd be silly to leave out this large church "backyard". They are a group of gardeners with varied backgrounds trying to limit pavement and grass with thoughtful plantings. Just like us.

Register for future volunteer opportunities here...

Or just follow along in support of their ongoing observations here...

Publicado el 30 de julio de 2023 a las 02:19 PM por stockslager stockslager


Sounds exciting! I can't get the project link to work, though.

Anotado por m_whitson hace cerca de un año

Nevermind. It works now.

Anotado por m_whitson hace cerca de un año

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