Ad of today, I have 57,787 digital photographs that I need to upload to iNaturalist, Since I almost certainly will not live long enough to upload all these files while still adding a few hundred new files each week, I am selectively uploading files. I separated all my files, which are stored in folders for each day of photography (2,254 days/folders remain to be uploaded since June 2006), into Florida Panhandle, Florida Peninsula, and Florida Keys. Yesterday, I finished uploading the all my Florida Keys photographs to iNat. Now I am starting on the Panhandle, which has only 24 days of photographs remaining. Once I finish the Panhandle, I will begin selectively adding photographs from the Peninsula other than the Tampa Bay area. That way, I will have a better geographical representation of my records than I have currently.
Your work is astonishing and very valuable. Thank you.
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