For anyone interested - I am hosting an event that I hope to make an annual tradition. Learning more about and contributing to our understanding of local species diversity is reason enough for me be out in the Sierras throughout the summer, but I am also working on a couple field guides that deal heavily with animal and plant species in this region. I would absolutely love to incorporate the community in this effort if possible. This magnificent chunk of Butte County suffers from an agonizing lack of coverage.
Here is the project:
My goal is to document at least 1,000 species over the course of this bioblitz. Here are past observations for the area used in this project:
I would also love to host more local iNat events in the future, and would love to discuss what those might look like with anyone interested.
Tagging here friends and local iNat users that I think may have some interest in participating
@yubabirder @marymuchowski @jonaull @robirwin @suburbanpoison @karmstrong10 @gallandoaks @mrogner @twr61 @kwgeiger @jordanii @thomastaylor1 @colinpryor
Please feel free to share this message with others!
Hope everyone is doing well,
Sounds fun! Are observations captured within the project polygons automatically added, or do we need to tag the observation in some way?
Hey Michael - yes, any observations within the polygons are automatically added to the project
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