Males come in winged and unwinged forms, females are always wingless.
Alate male:
Antennae black; apical segments with dense greyish pubescence. Basal segment of antennae feebly curved in basal half, strongly constricted at extreme base.
Head (except anteriorly laterally) reddish, smooth, except, at base of antennal tubercles, striate.
Pronotum anteriorly laterally (except acetabula) suffused with reddish. Anterior lobe of pronotum concave anteriorly; lateral angles feebly produced, broadly rounded, dorso-ventrally compressed. Anterior lobe narrowly sulcate throughout and somewhat broadly depressed in basal half; posterior lobe much wider than anterior lobe; posterior lateral angles very broadly rounded; surface smooth, except anteriorly and laterally minutely sulcate.
Scutellum reddish. Lateral scutellar spines feebly curved; median spine very feeble.
Legs reddish; femora basally, trochanters, suffused with black. Claws piceous. Anterior femora moderately incrassate, with irregular, short tubercles on lower surface.
Hemelytra extending to apex of abdomen. Corium and membrane dull black; base of costa of corium reddish. Wings infumate, iridescent.
Pleura, sterna, except mesosternum anteriorly suffused with reddish, abdomen black.
Apterous male:
Head about twice as long as anterior lobe of pronotum. Ocelli absent.
Anterior margin of pronotum angulately concave. Anterior lobe a little wider than posterior lobe, narrowly sulcate in basal half and somewhat depressed at anterior end of sulcus; lateral margins feebly rounded; posterior lobe narrowly sulcate medially: except posteriorly.
Scutellum truncate apically.
Abdomen with connexival segments and segment 7 irregularly striate.
Colour as in alate male.
Similar in structure to apterous male except that the dorsal surface of the head is smoother and only obscurely striate. The striations on segment 7 of the abdomen are much less strong.
Original description with figures in:
Miller, N. C. E. (1950). New genera and species of Reduviidae (Rhynchota) from Southern Rhodesia. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 120(2), 189–264. doi:10.1111/j.1096-3642.1950.tb00947.x
Recorded from Zimbabwe and South Africa.
iNat observation:
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