Size small; form robust depressed ovate: surface smooth, moderately polished. Tegmina corneous, semi-transparent, abbreviate, distal margin obliquely truncate, venation absent except in vicinity of humeral trunk. No wings present. Limbs very robust, heavily spined.
General colour of pronotum, tegmina, other dorsal thoracic segments, tibiae and tarsi pale zinc orange to ochraceous-orange; dorsal and ventral surfaces of abdomen solidly brownish black, with the exception of narrow lateral margins which are orange rufous, on the distal segments the margins being broader proximad on each individual segment. Head of the pale general colour but washed to a variable degree with rufous to ferruginous; eyes mummy brown; palpi and mouth-parts deep fuscous brown; antennae fuscous. Coxae and femora to variable degrees washed with fuscous, the articulations, and to a lesser extent the margins, pale. Cerci pale.
Description in: Rehn, J. A. G. 1922. Ann. Transv. Mus. 9(1) :
Illustrated in Rehn, J. A. G. 1922. Ann. Transv. Mus. 9(1): Dorsal outline of male
Type locality: South Africa, KwaZulu-Natal, Pinetown.
iNat observations:
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