1st observation:
Southern Cape, Western Garden Route area
Habitat - Fringe of thicket; outer margins of short and sparser limestone Fynbos
Growth Habit - Twining creeper
Description - Leaves trichotomously branched from secondary growth meristem; Leaf margins slightly inturned toward adaxial surface, with no hairs, and no lobing; upper leaf surface with pubescent hairs/ tubercles; estipulate
2nd observation:
Muden district, KZN
Habitat - Floor layer of closed canopy afrotemperate scarp forest
Growth Habit - Erect to semi-erect Cryptophyte (Forbe, unbranched at base)
Description - Leaves trichotomously branched from secondary growth meristem; distal margins of leaves broadly lobed with notable tapering towards apex; margins with short hairs throughout especially toward petiolar base; margins completely flush with midvein; upper surface of leaf smooth/ glabrous; estipulate
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