I'm finding many populations of Fumaria muralis in the South San Francisco Bay Area. They seem to congregate near waterways. Some hot spots are: Sunnyvale Baylands, Ulistac Natural Area, Coyote Creek, Guadalupe Creek Trail, and Los Alamitos Creek Trail.
For Los Alamitos Creek and Guadalupe Creek, I've documented populations of 50+ plants at 0.25 mile intervals.
It's frustrating that the Jepson eFlora and Calflora do not recognize this species. It looks like one has to jump through all kinds of hoops to get it on the list of valid introduced species.
I sent vouchers to UC Davis herbarium and CDFA (California Dept. of Food and Agriculture) on 2018-03-02, but I haven't heard back from either of them.
I've added 10 observations of this species (each of which represents 50 or more plants) to Calflora so far, but the average user can't see them because this plant is not recognized by the Calflora database.
If anyone can tell me what hoops to jump through to get this plant entered into the Jepson key for Fumaria, please let me know. I tried to submit a specimen to the Jepson Herbarium, but they weren't interested in my "weeds" as they put it. Right now, many fumitories found in California are being incorrectly identified as Fumaria officinalus because F. muralis is not in the key.
Fumaria muralis - #1 of 5 (I took samplings every 0.25 miles along the trail today)
Flowers are in axillary and terminal racemes; pink with dark red tips; upper petal is spurred. Leaves are alternate, pinnate or 2-pinnate with ultimate segments deeply lobed. Fruit is ovoid to almost round; surface is smooth (when fresh).
Flowers per inflorescence: 10-14
Plant height: 30 cm
Corolla length: 12 mm
Sepal length: 3.5 mm
Fruit length: 2 mm
Habitat: riparian - within 2-3 ft. of Los Alamitos Creek. Note: There are houses on both sides of the creek.
Nearby flora: various grasses, California blackberry, oak, sycamore
Vegetation type: anthropogenic habitat
Sunlight: shady
Population size (estimate): >50
Landmark: Los Alamitos Creek near LAC 3.00 Mile trail marker
Elevation: 87 meters (285 ft.)
Also added to Calflora.org: www.calflora.org/cgi-bin/noccdetail.cgi?seq_num==po82347
2018-03-23: added photos of dried seeds on millimeter paper
2018-05-01: Fumaria muralis is still blooming in this area
Identifier: Valerio Lazzeri (Key: The identification of F. muralis has used all the morphological characters of the key developed by Magnus Lidén: Lidén M., 1986. Synopsis of Fumarioideae with a monograph of the tribe Fumarieae. Opera Bot. 88.)
Fumaria muralis
Site: LAC-07
Observation #2 of 5 (I took samplings every 0.25 miles along the trail today)
Flowers are in axillary and terminal racemes; pink with dark red tips; upper petal is spurred. Leaves are alternate, pinnate or 2-pinnate with ultimate segments deeply lobed. Fruit is ovoid to almost round; surface is smooth (when fresh).
Flowers per inflorescence: 9-14
Corolla length: 11-12 mm
Sepal length: 3.5-4.0 mm
Fruit length: 2 mm
Habitat: riparian - within 15 ft. of Los Alamitos Creek. Note: there are houses on both sides of the creek.
Nearby flora: various grasses, geraniums, Miner's Lettuce, sycamores
Vegetation type: anthropogenic habitat
Landmark: Los Alamitos Creek near LAC 2.75 Mile trail
Sunlight: shady
Population size (estimate): >50
Elevation: 84 meters (275 ft.)
2018-03-23: added photo of dried seeds on millimeter paper
2018-05-01: Fumaria muralis is still blooming in this area
Also added to Calflora.org:
Identifier: Valerio Lazzeri (Key: The identification of F. muralis has used all the morphological characters of the key developed by Magnus Lidén: Lidén M., 1986. Synopsis of Fumarioideae with a monograph of the tribe Fumarieae. Opera Bot. 88.)
Fumaria muralis
Site: LAC-06
Observation: #3 of 5 (I took samplings every 0.25 miles along the trail today)
Flowers are in axillary and terminal racemes; pink with dark red tips; upper petal is spurred. Leaves are alternate, pinnate or 2-pinnate with ultimate segments deeply lobed. Fruit is ovoid to almost round; surface is smooth (when fresh).
Flowers per inflorescence: 10-11
Corolla length: 11-12 mm
Sepal length: 3.5-4.0 mm
Fruit length: 2 mm
Habitat: riparian - growing within 15 ft. of Los Alamitos Creek under oak and sycamore trees. Note: There are houses on both sides of the creek.
Nearby flora: various grasses, geraniums, thistles, Miner's Lettuce (Claytonia perfoliata), Poison Hemlock (Conium maculatum)
Vegetation type: anthropogenic habitat
Landmark: Los Alamitos Creek near the LAC 2.50 Mile marker
Sunlight: shady
Population Size (estimate): >50
Elevation: 83 meters (272 ft.)
2018-03-23: added photo of dried seeds on millimeter paper
Also added to Calflora.org:
Identifier: Valerio Lazzeri (Key: The identification of F. muralis has used all the morphological characters of the key developed by Magnus Lidén: Lidén M., 1986. Synopsis of Fumarioideae with a monograph of the tribe Fumarieae. Opera Bot. 88.)
Fumaria muralis - #4 of 5 (I took samplings every 0.25 miles along the trail today)
Flowers are in axillary and terminal racemes; pink with dark red tips; upper petal is spurred. Leaves are alternate, pinnate or 2-pinnate with ultimate segments deeply lobed. Fruit is ovoid to almost round; surface is smooth (when fresh).
Flowers per inflorescence: 12
Corolla length: 12 mm
Sepal length: 3.5-4.5 mm
Fruit length: 2 mm
Habitat: riparian - growing within 15 ft. of Los Alamitos Creek under oak and sycamore trees. Note: There are houses on both sides of the creek.
Nearby flora: various grasses, geraniums, thistles, oak, sycamores
Vegetation type: anthropogenic habitat
Landmark: Los Alamitos Creek near the LAC 3.50 Mile marker
Sunlight: shady
Population Size (estimate): >50
Elevation: 92 meters (301 ft.)
2018-03-23: added photo of dried seeds on millimeter paper
Also added to Calflora.org: http://www.calflora.org/cgi-bin/noccdetail.cgi?seq_num=po82352
Identifier: Valerio Lazzeri (Key: The identification of F. muralis has used all the morphological characters of the key developed by Magnus Lidén: Lidén M., 1986. Synopsis of Fumarioideae with a monograph of the tribe Fumarieae. Opera Bot. 88.)
Fumaria muralis - #5 of 5 (I took samplings every 0.25 miles along the trail today)
Flowers are in axillary and terminal racemes; pink with dark red tips; upper petal is spurred. Leaves are alternate, pinnate or 2-pinnate with ultimate segments deeply lobed. Fruit is ovoid to almost round; surface is smooth (when fresh).
Flowers per inflorescence: 9-11
Corolla length: 11-11.5 mm
Sepal length: 3-4 mm
Fruit length: 2 mm
Habitat: riparian - growing within 15 ft. of Los Alamitos Creek. Note: There are houses on both sides of the creek.
Nearby flora: various grasses, geraniums, poison hemlock
Vegetation type: anthropogenic habitat
Landmark: Los Alamitos Creek near the LAC 3.75 Mile trail marker (Almaden Expy underpass)
Sunlight: partial shade
Population size (estimate): 25-50
Elevation: 96 meters (315 ft.)
2018-03-23: added photo of dried seeds on millimeter paper
Also added to Calflora.org: http://www.calflora.org/cgi-bin/noccdetail.cgi?seq_num=po82353
Identifier: Valerio Lazzeri (Key: The identification of F. muralis has used all the morphological characters of the key developed by Magnus Lidén: Lidén M., 1986. Synopsis of Fumarioideae with a monograph of the tribe Fumarieae. Opera Bot. 88.)
@blue_celery, @grnleaf, @catchang, @sea_kangaroo
@kueda, @laurie, @dhwilken
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