Substrate. Dead hardwood
Habit. Few
CV eval
Pic 1. Daedaleopsis confragosa> Daedaleopsis septentrionalis> Trametes cubensis
Pic 2. Trametes betulina> Daedaleopsis septentrionalis> Daedaleopsis confragosa
White pores, growing in a rosette form on a fairly small thin stick!
Cap fadeing from purplish to light brown! Pores white, stuffed, stipe purple and pretty heavily reticulate. Under Willow oak
Gills showing slight green tinge in photo 2, in wood cups
A. incana and A. angustifolia were found nearby so this appears to be a hybrid between the two.
Zonate cap, scrobiulate stipe. Under deciduous bushes. Last two photos taken on drying two days later. Cap yellowing and green tones emerging.
Large colony. Known location. Also vocalizing.
Growing (practically everywhere) on hillsides and along a lakeside at Fort Mountain State park.