Leucistic bird. There were 2 with the same coloration.
Titirangi, Auckland.
Zigzag Track, in Atkinson Park.
Golden Girl! Golden Boy brought his daughter to the suet feeder 40 minutes after bringing his three male offspring to the yard
lil bro fell from a martin house into the water. he’s drying off on a rock near the houses now
Adult female Handled and measured with proper permits for research project.
Large mandibles the length of the forelegs, 43mm wingspan with iridescent purple sheen to the wings.
This observation collected under a BC Parks permit to visit Woodley Range Ecological Reserve. Note that this Ecological Reserve is closed to the public: research is conducted via permit.
Incredible experience. Long-tailed weasel had her babies 3 or 4 days ago. Today she moved them from 1 hole to another about 100 feet away that was more secluded. She made 6 trips to carry 8 babies. Twice she carried 2 at a time. She was so gentle. Unbelievable that I got to witness this.
young individual stuck in tide pond at low tide.
Attracted to front porch light.
Caught and banded by PRBO Conservation Science staff. Aged as an after hatch-year based on skull, bill color and plumage.
Absolutely insane!!! Possibly a first county record, as well as a possible second state record! While looking through a large group of ducks, around here (38°13'38.9"N 122°35'39.2"W), I spotted a duck with a strange face pattern. I immediately guessed it was a hybrid because it looked similar to some pics of duck hybrids on ebird. What lead me to believe it was a Northern Pintail x Green-Winged Teal hybrid was the long pointy tail, black under tail converts with clean white wedges, and vertical white bars.
A bundle of concinnus. Im guessing their hibernacula got flooded. And one from adjacent cover.
interesting article from the Wilson Bulletin from 1965 about a melanistic Pileated Woodpecker at Okefenokee in 1917:
I'm thinking this could be a moth that happens to look like a wasp - but not sure???
The first time I had ever seen this, i videoed the entire event as well from entry to exit. It was as if this species swims all the time. I sent it to a frogmouth expert and she had never seen that before. The bird chose to swim and flew away very easily after its swim. There appeared to be no explanation for the bird swimming as it was not particularly hot or anything unusual.
Experts - What is going on here? This male American Kestrel sure did seem to have the hots for this female Merlin. He kept trying to get close to her and even brought her a few treats (insects?) from the grass beneath the fence. She accepted the treats but didn't seem thrilled with the attention. However, when he flew off, she followed him...
a squirrel and his pumpkin - day 14
day 2: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/190244812
day 6: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/190244821
day 8: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/191010745
day 32: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/192866309
Funniest bird ever this guy is awesome
This insect (wasp?) was carrying something very bulky that also looks to be insect in origin. I’m mystified by what it is, it came by twice in about 5-10 minutes (near a tree line/forested area)
I call this the "ecology jackpot" of intertidal creatures -- nudibranch eating a sponge which grew over a snail shell which holds a hermit crab
Traffic-cone Orange! With "normal" yellow juvenile to show it's not my camera setting... ;-)
Adult sitting on nest with one chick and one egg. Adult was flushed by accident and we left the scene asap when we saw that she had a nest.
A spider-hunter wasp dragged the spider for several feet with her mandibles while walking backwards over leaf litter, rocks and moss, until she got to a tiny mound of dirt covered by leaves, where they disappeared. Species corrections appreciated.
Emerging on the coldest day of the year. Certainly the first time this has been photographed.
Seperation of D. eldoradensis and D. mellifica still needs some work, especially in the Northwest, but I believe this to be the former species based on gall size and morphology.
Feeding voraciously on a spicy wing from Pizza Hut...
This things head was missing, I tried getting pic of the other side was it was too gross and rotten
Strange specimen I discovered and collected with two metasomas.
I've kept her since May 2021 and she's still alive and well in her enclosure.
Location approximate. Photo credit Connie L.
Surveillance pigeon!
I really like it when birds find and fully utilize every last square millimeter of un-bird-spiked space. See also: http://www.inaturalist.org/observations/282821
Wish this mfer would eat the dead opossum in our street so I can actually pull out of the driveway
same-sex pairing!! two male juncos approaching with calls and tail lifting behaviours then one of them mounted the other
In fred meyer
“Mommy’s angry” -Jeff Goldblum
I was photographing a Song Sparrow in the reeds when I noticed a movement. Nearly invisible until it moved, this Wilson's Snipe blended perfectly into the ground cover. In one shot it surprised me by flexing its bill.
20 at evening feeding. new record for one time
World’s most photogenic duck.